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6 Tips for Team Members to Unlock 1:1 Success

1:1 leadership development team development

Ever dreaded having those 1:1 meetings with your leader? You're not alone. But here's the game-changer: when you're intentional in preparing, keeping an open mind, and being transparent about where you are, you'll transform these moments of dread into opportunities for growth.

As a former team member who used to avoid 1:1 meetings, I understand where you're coming from. Let me share how I changed my approach and made my 1:1s some of my favorite meetings with my leader. This shift in perspective helped both of us achieve success together.


Here are a few tips for transforming your 1:1 into a game-changing growth opportunity:


🎯 Be Proactive and Prepared:

  • Take the initiative to create an agenda.
  • Send discussion topics to your leader ahead of time for a focused and productive conversation.
  • Identify specific topics you'd like to discuss, whether wins, roadblocks, operational updates, or personal development areas.

👂 Active Participation:

  • Come ready to share the areas you prepared.
  • Be an engaged listener – keep an open mind and be open to hearing your leader's feedback and guidance.

🤝 Open Communication:

  • Be transparent about your challenges and seek advice.
  • Foster a culture of open communication and trust.

🗓️ Time Management:

  • Be mindful of time constraints and cover the most important topics first.
  • If needed, ask for more time so you're able to discuss those topics crucial to your development.

📝 Action Items and Follow-up:

  • Document action items and key takeaways during the meeting.
  • Follow up on action items and feedback from your leader.

🚀 Stay Consistent:

  • Keep regular meetings with your leader, cultivating a culture of open communication and trust.
  • Demonstrate your commitment to personal and professional growth.


Don't be afraid to step into the unknown and be transparent with your leader. Remember that they care about your development and well-being. Proactively preparing for your 1:1 meetings can make them more enjoyable and productive. Trust me, it's worth the effort, and you won't regret giving your leader the space to help you grow!