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Do I really need an Executive Assistant?

executive assistant hiring time management

Thinking about hiring an executive assistant? It might seem like a luxury, but trust me, it's an investment you can't afford to skip. Sure, you're a pro at handling your workload, but imagine the possibilities: you might need someone to help you prioritize and delegate. An executive assistant isn't just a doer—they're a leader, taking a load off your shoulders and making you look good in the process. They're like your playbook, running the ball down the field for you or scoring independently. Sounds pretty great, right?

Skeptical about the cost? Here's the scoop: you can't afford not to have one in the long run.

If you don't quite have the budget, don't worry. Here are a few ways you can dip your toes in with much less or no financial investment: 

Hire a part-time or fractional executive assistant. 

Identify the tasks on your list that only you can do. Tracking your time will allow you to gather data to know where your time is going and is a great conversation starter with your organization on the opportunity cost to the organization if you're spending time doing many things you could delegate. 

Check out my article " How to Maximize Your Day By Treating Your Calendar Like a Budget."

If you need help with what steps to take, let's chat! I'd love to connect with you.