Preferences Perfected: The Art of Honoring Leaders

As a seasoned executive assistant, I've heard it all—from "picky" to "diva," labels thrown around regarding leaders' preferences. But let's be real; we all have our quirks. Whether it's a window seat or iced coffee, it's natural to have things we prefer over others.
However, when it comes to leaders, people tend to hold them to a higher standard and criticize them for their preferences. As executive assistants, our job is to make their lives easier, not harder. We ensure meticulously planned travel, organized schedules, and honored preferences.
In my experience, a well-designed system is a game-changer. I developed a tailored travel template that became indispensable. While simple, it's one of the most requested tools I've built—once experienced, it's hard to go without it! Every detail is planned, from rental cars to meals, even checking local weather for efficient packing; it's an opportunity to ensure a seamless, stress-free, and enjoyable experience for the leader. It's not just about the big picture; it's in the small details. Time away from family is precious; the goal is to make every moment count.
So, the next time someone complains about a "picky" leader, consider the care and hard work behind the scenes. Executive assistants are the unsung heroes of organizations, and we should all be grateful for their work.
After all, if you ever find yourself in a leadership role, wouldn't you want someone to make your life easier?